Sunday, January 17, 2010

MoDeS Of CoMmUnIcAtIoN

Prof. Albert Mehrabian (UCLA, 1967)identified three major parts that convey meaning in human face to face communication: body language, voice tonality, and words. He conducted research to determine how people make meaning when a speaker says one thing but means another. If the speaker is sending a mixed message the listener will rely on the following cues to determine true meaning
55% of impact is determined by body language—postures, gestures, and eye contact,
38% by the tone of voice, and
7% by the content or the words spoken

*Nonverbal communication
Nonverbal communication is the process of communicating through sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be communicated through gesture, body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact, object communication such as clothing,hairstyles or even architecture, or symbols and infographics, as well as through an aggregate of the above, such as behavioral communication.
Nonverbal communication plays a key role in every person's day to day life, from employment to romantic engagements.


*Visual communication

Visual communication as the name suggests is communication through visual aid. It is the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be read or looked upon. Primarily associated with two dimensional images, it includes: signs, typography, drawing, graphic design,illustration, colour and electronic resources. It solely relies on vision. It is form of communication with visual effect. It explores the idea that a visual message with text has a greater power to inform, educate or persuade a person. It is communication by presenting information through visual form.

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